Why Do You Want To Get A College Education?

Colleges receive an unprecedented number of applications every single year. The rate at which people attain higher education is steadily climbing every year. Due to this, colleges want to see a person’s motivation for applying. Some students apply solely because is what they have been pressured to do by friends and family.

Some apply for college because they have genuine goals that they can only achieve by going through college. Asking such a question on application forms is one way for colleges to find out whether or not an applicant is a good fit for their culture.

Reasons For Applying

Some students might have genuine reason for applying but may not be able to articulate these reasons well. The following are some common reasons for going to college:

Of course, only you know your true motivation for applying to college. However, these are some good ideas to think about and see whether they are on of your reasons for applying.


Before you begin writing your essay, you need to diligently plan your work. A plan will allow you to put all your thoughts on paper and it will be easy to follow and write your essay based on this plan. You need to come up with a couple of very good reasons for why you want to attain a college education.

If possible, it will be wise to think of some personal anecdotes to add to these reasons, as they will impress the professors who will be reading your work. Your plan should be split into several parts. You should explain your reason for applying to college and why college is necessary to achieve these goals.


You need to have a good essay format so that your reasons for applying to college are very clear to the professors who will be reading your application. The following is a good format to follow when writing your paper:

Colleges want to admit motivated people with clear goals in life. As such, your essay should reflect these personality traits in yourself. You should have clear reasons for wanting to attain a college education, which will impress professors who will read your application.
